Being environmentally friendly is no longer just a personal choice you conduct in your own home, but has also adapted itself into a lot of businesses. The benefits of becoming a “greener” company are astronomical in the long-run. Not only does it help sustain the individual businesses but it also promotes the community to be greener too. According to The Bureau of Labor Statistics, “green” goods and services are those “that benefit the environment or conserve natural resources.” This includes all jobs and businesses that produce or provide those goods and services from concept to delivery, including research and development, installation, and maintenance.
As a member of the Greater Des Moines community, we want to do our part by meeting our needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Our city, along with so many more across the world are moving towards creating a more sustainable future. Industries that currently compromise the green economy are: natural resources, utilities, construction, education and health services, agribusiness, etc. In order to meet the demands of our low carbon future, we need to provide opportunities for workers at all income and skills levels. In 2003, there were only 2,472 people who were considered to have green jobs in Des Moines and in 2010 that number jumped to 5,256. Iowa green jobs throughout the state increased by 8% from 2010 to 2011. Making up almost 75% of the fastest growing job segments include conservation and professional energy services.
Known for our corn production, Iowa produced 3.7 billion gallons in 2012 taking the number one spot in the country. Iowa is also the first state in the nation to exceed 20% of all generation from wind. The installed wind generators all over the state can produce enough power to provide electricity to over one million homes.
The State of Iowa ranks 29th for the number of LEED registered and certified buildings owned or operate by state government, and 29th for the total number of commercial buildings that are or are pursuing LEED certification. There are 959 LEED credentialed professionals around the state.
Being green alone is good but many being green is great! Educating people on the benefits of being more sustainable is where change beings. At QA Graphics we’re not only green ourselves, but we also educate with our Energy Efficiency Education Dashboards. By displaying building efficiency you can then create occupant awareness. Give occupants insight on how their actions impact building efficiency and motivate everyone to make behavior changes and help lower operating costs.
Learn how you can take the first step for your business by creating a recycling program from the City of Des Moines.
*Source from Greater Des Moines and Capital Crossroads